Sprint 3 - Cultural Blog

EQ / EI - Emotional Intelligence

In this post I will discuss EQ and IQ and my thoughts on the two.

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is the baility to utilize your emotions to emphasize with others, see reason and communicate effectively. EQ is easier to understand when you break it down into four:

How is it different to IQ?

IQ measures how people learn, understand and apply information where as EQ measures how individuals learn, understand, and apply emotional knowledge.

There is a common misconception that IQ measures a person’s fundamental intelligence and that would not change throughout a person’s lifetime. This has since been shown to be incorrect. However, IQ tests are still very popular although they only measure your problem-solving skills, intuition, pattern recognition, reasoning, logic, mathematics, and a number of other fundamental skills that aren’t necessarily determined by what facts you’ve memorized. Essentially, IQ tests measure how someone learns, understands and applies information in different settings.

On the other hand an EQ test reflects how well a person can understand their own and other’s emotions, to differentiate between them, and how to use that knowledge to guide your actions and behaviors. This emotional intelligence (EI) is extremely important for human beings, mainly because we are emotional beings!

Why is it important?

In conclusion, emotional intelligence determines our ability to manage and understand our feelings and relationships. Good social skills are associated with high EQ levels. As our EQ develops so does our ability to judge and react to people around us. It is too easy to assume everyone is the same or to brush people off in our ever changing world. If we continue to work on our EQ and social skills we'll be able to connect better and understand everyone around us.